Recent projects / Metaphysics & revolution / Unpublished.
Speak softly to the wind
Give her a story for tomorrow
Something different, a little sweet
You see, they don’t need to know
About yesterday
or this morning
How the world felt like it was ending
For hours
A million times over
Or what was said in the shower
On the way to work
Stud by the counter
Prayed at 2am
While ruffling under sheets
You see, that was then
A moment of history
Every loose end
A moment of madness
Where no one else was around
When your palms met your ribs
And you found skin in the way
Speak softly to the wind
Speak to the wind
Say something
Maybe she’ll carry the message
Up into the heavens
Where nothing intercepts
Not even the birds
Or the souls who float
Are allowed to deny
Speak softly into the wind
Ask them how the world never ended
And how we carried on
The dust has settled, it’s settling
The house looks different from here
It’s in the process of the beginning
His voice is missing and this feels like no loss of the usual kind
I wish I had good things to say
As she brings me another coffee
I’m slightly hooked on caffeine today
I wish I hadn’t been told the news
Not then, not that second
Because I wish I started with better news
And I’m constantly trying to look to the sun
The sun
The sun
The sun and the flowers
And I asked for greener grass but the current land sits on seed and it’s too late a season now
Bless the season, bless the sun and the bees and the birds and all new life
From the dead grass to the return of seed
Return of form
I am a stickler for good health and optimism
And laughter, I can laugh forever
The sun
The sun
The sun
This house looks different now
And there is good news
But there is heartbreak too
There is good news
Good news
Somewhere there’s good news
Look for the beauty
Especially in this moment
When all edges of a yesterday
have frayed into a new shape
Neither path was chosen
But a given
Heavens have reckoned
You can see this to the other end
But I am asking you
Look for the beauty
Within the madness
Look at each star
The moon
The bloody planet of war
And when you’re hungry
Don’t you forget about Venus too
The constant and the familiar
I am begging you
Look for the beauty
Go outside
Run in winter’s flowers
Make friends with the forest
Let ivy surround you
Grow on your skin
Cloak you
Like a tulip on your shoulder
Black cherries in an unknown future
When you feel safer
Ready to undress again
So please my love
Look for the beauty
Especially in this moment
Maybe then the world
Will be a shape you recognise
Once more
There is a moment in the water
I would look at the world
I made this moment to become
this way
And now ageing often decays
Until I say the next part
A graduation of affairs
My language tactile
My language is spoken with different people
There’s us bathing in still warm water
And the world of youth
An old soul arrives
The dust licked off the surface
Is everything and anyone
Who had guided me
To the middle of the ocean
I’d like to take a minute to thank you
I would not worry to where
Or how far we travel.
The distance is no measure
Time is already set.
We’re told of promises,
That each soul is taken
To its pre ordained destination.
We could dance around the fire,
Delaying this reunion or,
We could tend to her like
An old friend, an open flame
Who greats us at the door of wonder.
I heard her grant new beginnings.
Let her arrive
Let her arrive
Let her arrive