SELECTION 2023-24.
Recent projects / Human connection / Unpublished.
We’ll sit at the same tables
Maybe you’ll say something
Tell me about a time years ago
When this same moment
Felt cleaner
Before the water got some flavour
Now we can’t stop
Pouring the salt
Into the lake
Uncover my face
Throw in my card
I long
To be your right hand
The one
Who pulls the bow
To form the perfect arch
Don’t deny me
The right of satisfaction
Where an arrow
A perfect destination
To swim in water as
As the ocean
No narrower a river
For such an archer
Will do
These words to you
are between me and God
I pray you’re well, |
that you’re constantly loved,
that each word passed
between your lips to another
means well
I hope so much so
that your heart is routinely swelled
from the size of love
which you routinely receive
From day to day
everyday loved and well
I hope no soul makes you tired,
think the world of as unwell
beyond something we can mend
I pray your parents are in good health
That they still kiss you on your forehead,
At least when your mother
can reach to the heavens
your head resides in
I pray you haven’t missed any timed meetings with Him
I pray your exchanges with Him are done with ease,
with kindness
With forever love and good health
I pray I pray I pray
That I’ll find you in good health
I’ll pray you love me in ever better health
I pray we surpass the love of that your parents held
I pray each night ends with a kiss
I need to be held, like
I need to be held
In the way
Which only
Two adults
Under a loud fan
In a humid country
While it rains in August
Could understand
Why their skin
Is still touching
In such cruel heat
Words I should have said
Instead of the words I mentioned
In the heat of the moment
To hope to reassure
My counterpart
A kindred spirit
A love
That all is well
Because all truly is well
And it is the way life is intended
At this time
Between us
Right here
I should have said
This strain of this feeling
Isn’t absent
Speaking of this in lesser measures
To reassure and preserve
What was here
Before the unspoken
Rather it is present
In unknown measures
In unknown depth
That this is more than okay
Despite why it exists
That this particular strain
Of this particular feeling
Has departed
Because it exists
Continues to exist
Exists in my chest
Down to my stomach
Despite its root
Regardless of it’s destination
This is more than okay
I wish I hadn’t said
A particular part is absent
She still lingers in the air
Despite any destination
And this is more than okay
I have rarely been at peace